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PEME is an acronym for Pulsed Electromagnetic Emission Therapy, also known as Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy. It is a non-invasive therapy option that is completely unnoticeable to your pets, yet delivers effective treatments.

How Does it Work?

PEME is powered by electromagnetism, which uses coils of wire and electricity to create an electromagnetic field in the environment. 

The body uses electrically charged particles, called ions, to perform many tasks such as cell communication, muscle contractions and nerve impulses. By applying an electromagnetic field to the body, you can influence these ions to cause beneficial effects to the body.

Feelings of pain are controlled by nerves, and if they have been activated for a long period of time (such as in chronic, painful conditions like arthritis), the nerves become extra sensitive because the ions are no longer in their proper places. By influencing the ions to move back out of the nerve, the nerve deactivates, reducing the pain signals to the brain and giving the animal relief. When given PEME, it can be incredibly relaxing, and your pet will not even notice a difference, except a gentle warming of the area closest to the mat!


As PEME projects an electric field, there are some conditions that mean that Frontier cannot use PEME therapy for your pet. These conditions apply to both your pet AND any human accompaniment (that means owners/handlers in the room!)
PEME cannot be used in the room if anyone:

  • Is pregnant

  • Has epilepsy

  • Has a pacemaker (heart or spine)

  • Has or has had cancer

  • Has not reached maturity (Dogs under 18 months; Children)

  • Has any electrical medical equipment (EG. Insulin pump)

You do not need to directly declare this to the physiotherapist, but please make them aware that this option cannot be used. Do not sign the consent form if given one.

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