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Laser Therapy


Frontier Veterinary Physiotherapy is proud to offer class IV laser treatments. The K-Laser Cube-3 is one of the highest quality Lasers on the market, and allows Laser treatments to be completed in as little as a few minutes. 

Laser therapy uses light wavelengths to deliver energy to cells within your pet's body. The light waves are able to go through the skin and go deep into the body to deliver this energy to the damaged areas. To do this more efficiently, the laser turns the beam on and off, which allows the skin to cool slightly between energy deliveries. This means that more energy can reach the cells underneath.

Energy is important in healing. The cell uses energy in everything it does - and this includes healing. When the cell is damaged, it is not able to use energy as efficiently as it would normally - this is where Laser is able to help. By giving the cell extra energy, the cell can use the energy to repair itself rather than its daily activities, which speeds up the healing process and leads to shorter recovery times.

Laser treatments work cumulatively. A standard laser course is 6 treatments, and then can be continued to provide additional benefits to your pet. It is painless and non-invasive, and can be applied without needing to touch your animal - which can be helpful if they are nervous! 

Because the Laser is a medical device, there are some safety rules in place for its use. Operators and handlers MUST wear safety goggles provided, and the door must be closed. Children are not allowed in the room as goggles will not fit them, and Laser is best completed in a quiet, relaxed space. The operator will have a poster with them - this should be stuck on the door so people do not enter the room without warning.

Laser is a medical device and can only be used by the operator, at the operator's discretion. This means that your pet MUST have veterinary referral for physiotherapy before Laser can be completed. Laser must not be used on any animal which is:

-Pregnant, or possibility of pregnancy

- A history of cancer

- Has had metal implants in the area to be treated

Please let your physiotherapist know about any of these conditions in your first appointment.

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