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Important Information

This section is for referring veterinary surgeons in the UK. Whilst the title of Veterinary Physiotherapist is not yet registered in the UK, paraprofessionals are still expected to follow the law and be qualified to provide such services. Emma holds a BSc Hons Veterinary Physiotherapy degree from Harper Adams University, is registered with the IRVAP, and is fully insured to treat small animals. Additionally, she has completed the K-Laser Operators Exam, allowing Frontier to offer Class IV Laser therapy.

The Law

Veterinary Surgeons Act 1966

Due to the law, Frontier only takes referral patients, as veterinary consent is required to treat. Additionally, the treating physiotherapist will keep in contact with updates and letters in a confidential and GDPR compliant fashion.


Frontier Vet Physio holds Professional Indemnity and Public Liability insurance from Towergate, through IRVAP membership.

Code of Conduct

Emma is a member of the IRVAP and is held to their Code of Conduct. Members of the IRVAP must have proof of qualification to join. For more information, please visit their website.

The Process

Frontier Vet Physio offers short introductory sessions to practices interested in adding physiotherapy to their treatment options. Once this has gone ahead and you wish to refer a patient, it is as simple as completing a client referral form and emailing it to Frontier, or by having your client register with us using the Pet Parent App. Currently, we only accept small animal referrals.


The client will then book an initial assessment with us and Emma will visit the patient in their home. The assessment will include a full gait analysis, medical history, and home environment evaluation, before treatment options are discussed, including LASER therapy, massage, pulsed electromagnetic field therapy, and rehabilitative exercise. The rehabilitative exercises and home environment changes can be implemented at home, and visits from the physiotherapist are tailored to the client, with the exception of LASER therapy, which requires several successive visits to ensure the dosage is correct.


For more information on the process, please call Emma at 07507 440783 or email Frontier at

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